Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tortillas in 72-hour Kit

A friend recently shared with me how she is including tortillas in her 72-hour kit. I was excited to hear her idea as I had just been wishing that we could store some kind of bread in our kits. Bread is a type of comfort food and is so filling!

Food seal in a plastic bag a mixture of flour, baking powder and salt.
Include a small bottle of oil and a bottle of water in kit.

Tortilla recipe:
4 cups flour
2 t baking powder
1 1/2 t salt
2 T oil
enough water to make dough

You can half the recipe if you need to.

Include several days worth of tortilla dough (flour mixture) in separate bags. Add water and oil to flour mixture just before rolling out. (Dough rolls out better if you let it sit 30 minutes before rolling.)

Also in your kit include a miniature rolling pin, a plastic roll-up cutting board for rolling the tortillas out on and some extra flour to keep the dough from sticking.

My friend suggested using the Mini Ninja butane cooking stove to cook the tortillas on. I liked the stove so well that I went and bought one this weekend. It's small, self igniting, and produces a hot enough flame to boil water. I got mine for $25 at a local Asian Market.

Don't forget to include a light weight skillet to cook the tortillas on.

Tortillas are a very versatile item to include in your kits. You can eat them plain or roll them up with refried bean or peanut butter and jelly.

It's going to be a great addition to our 72-hour kits! Email me if you have any questions.

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