Sunday, December 9, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Apple Strudel Crunch Cake
Topping: ½ cup spelt flour ¼ cup toasted almonds ½ t nutmeg ¼ t cinnamon 1/8 t cardamom Pinch salt 3-4 T pure maple syrup | | Cake: 1 ½ cups spelt flour 2 ¼ t baking powder ¼ t sea salt ¼ cup light olive oil ½ cup pure maple syrup ½ cup apple juice ¼ cup rice milk 1 ½ t vanilla 2 small granny smith apples, peeled and sliced thinly |
Pour in 8” – 9” oiled and floured pan. Press apples into top of batter and top with strudel. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.
Drinking Water and Emergency Preparedness
During an emergency or natural disaster, the water supply to your home may be stopped or become undrinkable due to contamination. As a result, you may need to be able to provide your own drinking water until your regular water supply is restored and deemed safe for consumption.
Alternative Drinking Water Sources
There are actually many potential sources of water in emergency situations. In addition to any bottled water that you have on hand, drinking water can be obtained from ice cubes or canned goods. Even rain water or the water in your hot water tank or the toilet's water storage tank (not the bowl), can be used in an emergency situation if purified through boiling. Water from waterbeds or swimming pools should not be used, as the water may contain impurities that could be harmful if consumed.
If you have city water, some water suppliers will recommend that you shut off the water supply coming into your home if the water supply has been contaminated (the shutoff valve is usually near the water meter). The valve can be turned on when water is needed for non-potable water requirements, such as flushing toilets.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Protecting Your Family From an Influenza Pandemic
The emerging threat of the Asian Avian Flu Virus (AAV H5N1) brings into sharp focus the vulnerability of modern, highly mobile and technological societies to viral or bacterial infectious diseases. The last major Asian flu outbreak, (H2N2 in 1957, which killed 69,800 people in the United States) took five months to reach the United States. With the advent of global jet travel, it is now likely that highly virulent disease strains will be transmitted to population centers around the world in a matter of just a few days.
In this article, I will describe how you can protect yourself and your family from the next great pandemic. Although the likelihood of AAV H5N1 mutating into a strain that can easily be transmitted between humans is relatively low, the potential impact if this were to occur would be devastating. The current strain of the virus has a 58% lethality rate for humans. But even if AAV H5N1 turns out to be a "non-event", in the next few decades there is a very high likelihood that some other disease will emerge and suddenly make a pandemic breakout. The odds are against us, because influenzas have tendency toward antigenic shift. Because influenzas are viral and are spread by casual person to person contact, the majority of the world's population will be exposed in just a few weeks or months. Even today, more than 30,000 Americans die each year from flu complications--mostly the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
Here are the key things that you need to do to protect yourself and your family, and to help restore order during a pandemic:
A.) Raise Your Immune Resistance
B.) Be Ready to Fight the Illness
C.) Avoid Exposure.
D.) Stockpile Key Logistics.
E.) Be Prepared to Dispense Charity From a Safe Distance
I will briefly discuss each of these requirements in this article. I will also be posting more detailed follow-up articles on each topic in my daily blog (web journal) at
Raise Your Immune Resistance
There are two philosophies to fighting off influenza viruses. The first and mostly prevalent is to raise the body's immune response. The other is to maintain normal immune response to prevent a collapse caused by over-response--a so called "cytokene storm". While opinion is divided on this issue, I tend toward a strong immune response--particularly if combating a highly virulent illness.
To raise your immune resistance to disease it is important that you stop smoking. If you are a smoker you have already realized that you are much more susceptible to respiratory infections. Smokers are at high risk to develop complications. Get plenty of exercise, eat healthy foods, drink only in moderation, get plenty of sleep, and use top quality vitamin supplements (from a company such as eVitamins.) If you are overweight, you need to alter your diet get down to within five pounds of normal body weight. You need to change your diet for two important reasons: First, unhealthy foods weaken your immune system. Cut out refined sugar. Avoid candy, snack foods, soft drinks, and any processed foods with preservatives, artificial sweeteners, or MSG. Avoid store-bought meat, which is often tainted by the hormones and antibiotics used in commercial livestock feeds. Wild game or home-raised livestock is much healthier! Lastly, pray. Why? Anxiety is a form of stress that weakens the immune system, and prayer is a proven way to relieve anxiety and stress. And more importantly, as a Christian I believe that it is crucial to pray for God's guidance, providence, and protection.
Be Ready to Fight the Illness
There are some symptoms that distinguish between colds and flus: Flus typically cause fever, chills, achy feeling (malaise), headaches, and extreme fatigue. Cold symptoms are usually restricted to the upper respiratory tract while flu symptoms tend to involve the entire body.
Influenzas tend to kill most of their victims in two ways: dehydration and lung congestion. Even the Avian flu, which is respiratory usually starts with stomach flu symptoms. Stomach flus usually induce diarrhea which rapidly dehydrates the victim. To fight this, you need to stock up on both anti-diarrhea medicines (such as Imodium AD--an anti-spasmodic) and electrolyte solutions such as Pedialyte. (The latter is available in bulk though large chain "warehouse" stores.) The various sports type drinks (such as Gatorade) can be used as oral rehydration solutions (ORSs) too. However, I prefer to dilute them about 50% with water, they have a lot of glucose in them which will exacerbate diarrhea symptoms.
If commercial ORSs are not available, I have read that you can make an emergency solution as follows:
• 1/2 teaspoon of salt
• 2 tablespoons honey, sugar, or rice powder
• 1/4 teaspoon potassium chloride (table salt substitute)
• 1/2 teaspoon trisodium citrate (can be replaced by baking soda)
• 1 quart of clean water
Imodium is a trade name for Loperamide. It can be purchased generically for relatively little cost, at such places as warehouse stores. The generic (house brands) are just fine. Stock up on Acetominophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Motrin) as well - for treating fevers. These two antipyretics can be taken together or on an alternating 4 hour schedule (take each every 4 hours but split them, for example at 8 AM take acetaminophen, at 10 AM take ibuprofen, etc. This makes it easier to monitor the patient and get them to drink fluids, if they're up every 2 hours they will have to drink some fluids). Either have a traditional glass thermometer for each person, or a digital thermometer with lots of disposable sleeves. The thermometers are a couple of bucks at the stores mentioned above. The sleeves are a buck or so per hundred. Don't cross-contaminate your patients.
Because influenzas are viral rather than bacterial, most antibiotic drugs (antibacterials) are useless in combating them. If you suspect that you are coming down with influenza get bed rest! Too many people ignore their symptoms because "that project at work just has to get done." Not only do they risk their own health, but they infect their co-workers! Liquids help ease congestion and loosen phlegm and are of course crucial to rehydration. Just a fever alone can double your body's dehydration rate.
Respiratory flus such as the Asian Avian Flu kill with congestion. Buy a steam-type vaporizer. Stock up on expectorants containing guaifenesin as the main ingredient.
You will need to watch carefully for any symptoms of pneumonia develop. These include: difficulty or painful breathing, a grunting sound when breathing (quite distinct from the wheezing of bronchitis or the "barking" of croup), extremely rapid breathing, flaring nostrils with each breath, or coughing up rust-colored phlegm. Pneumonia can be a deadly complication of the flu and is the main cause of flu-related death. It is important to note that pneumonia is typically a co-infection that can be either viral or bacterial. In case of a bacterial pneumonia, antibiotics are crucial for saving lives. If it is viral, there is not much that can be done. While antibiotics can clear infection they cannot remove secretions. The patient must cough them all the way back up the respiratory tract. Do not use cough suppressants--anything with active ingredients like dextromethorphan or diphenhydramine. A "productive" (wet) cough that produces phlegm is a good thing! This is where you may need expectorants. One that works well is Robitussin (the original type of Robitussin without any capital letters after the name). These are also available as generics, and quite cheap, so stock up. You should also read up on postural drainage and percussion techniques for chest secretion clearance--for instances when your patient cannot or will not cough effectively.
Avoid Exposure
Aside from being actually coughed or sneezed upon by an infected person, the most common way to catch the flu is by touching something which has been coughed on or sneezed upon by an infected person. For instance, the person that used the shopping cart before you had the flu. They covered their mouth with their hand when they coughed then used that very hand to push the cart around the store. Now your hands are touching the same place. Without thinking while shopping, you rub your eye or nose and you have introduce the virus to your most vulnerable point of infection. When you are out in public do NOT touch your eyes or nose. Wash your hands frequently to remove any germs you have picked up. Teach your children this as well.
Even though the chances of a full scale "nation busting" pandemic are small, the possibility definitely exists. The recent public statements by President Bush about considering the use of the military to enforce an Asian Avian flu pandemic quarantine are indicative that government officials are taking the threat seriously. A full scale pandemic that starts taking lives on a grand scale may then reasonably cause you to take some extreme measures to protect the lives of your family members. You can cut your chances of infection by more than half if you prepare to live in isolation (a strict "self quarantine") for an extended period of time. You need to be prepared to avoid all contact with other people during the worst of the pandemic. The self quarantine period might last as much as three years, as successive waves of influenza sweep through the country. Think this through, folks. What would you need to do to successfully quarantine your family? Grab a clipboard and start making some prioritized lists.
History has shown that infectious diseases do their worst in urbanized regions So if you can afford to, make plans to move to a lightly populated region, soon. Where? Read my blog ( for some detailed recommendations, but in general, I recommend moving west of the Mississippi (because of the west's much lighter population density) to a rural, agricultural region. When looking for a retreat locale, look outside of city limits and away from major highways that will serve as "lines of drift" for urban refugees. You are looking for a property that could serve as a self-sufficient farm--something over five acres, and preferably closer to 40 acres. In the event of a "worst case" pandemic situation, there is the possibility that power grid could go down. Even if your farm has well water, you may be out of luck. A home with gravity fed spring water is ideal, but uncommon. So you will either need to be able to pump well water by hand--only practical with shallow wells--or be prepared to treat water that you'll draw from open sources: rivers, creeks, lakes, or ponds.
Plan to live at your retreat year-round. In the event of a full scale pandemic, the police and military will probably be ordered to enforce draconian quarantines of cities, counties, or perhaps entire states or regions. Having a well-stocked retreat is useless if you can't get to it. Live there, and become accustomed to getting by self-sufficiently. Plant a big vegetable garden, using non-hybrid seeds. Raise small livestock that can forage on your own pasture. Get your digestive system accustomed to consumption of your bulk storage foods. Home school your kids. Develop a "hunker down" lifestyle with minimal trips to town. Each trip to town will constitute another opportunity for infection.
To make self-quarantine effective, it is essential that you are prepared to live in isolation for many months, and possibly years, to avoid contact and subsequent risk of infection. This can be practical for anyone that is retired or self-employed in an occupation that does not require regular face to face contact with clients or customers. (For example home-based mail order, self-publishing, recruiting, medical/legal transcription, or telecommuting.) But for anyone else it may mean having to quit your job and live off of your savings. So it is essential that you get out of debt and start building your savings, ASAP. If you can possibly change jobs to something that will allow isolation or semi-isolation, do so as soon as possible. For most of us in the middle class, this may mean "doubling up" with another family to share resources.
To protect yourself (at least marginally) from infected spittle, wear wrap-around goggles and buy or fabricate surgical style masks, in quantity. Note that even an N100 gas mask filter will not stop an airborne virus, since the viruses are too small. But at least a cloth mask will give you some protection from virus-laden spittle. Once the pandemic breaks out in your region, you won't look out of place wearing these, even on a trip to the post office. Stock up on disposable gloves. Note that some individuals are allergic to latex. So do some extended wear tests before you buy gloves in quantity. Wear gloves whenever away from your retreat, and wash your hands frequently, regardless. Keep your hands away from your nose and eyes at all times. Stock up on soap and bottles of disinfecting hand sanitizer.
Stockpile Key Logistics
To make long term self quarantine effective you will need to buy a large quantity of long term storage food from a trustworthy vendor. Storage food is bulky and expensive to ship, so plan to buy locally or rent a truck and travel to a nearby state to pick up your storage food. In the eastern U.S., I recommend Ready Made Resources, of Tennessee. (See: In the western U.S., I recommend Walton Feed of Idaho. (See: It is also important to lay in extra food to dispense in charity--both to your neighbors and to any relatives that might end up on your doorstep at the 11th hour.
Stockpile fuel--firewood, home heating oil, or propane, plus fuel for your backup generator, vehicles and/or tractor. For liquid fuels, buy the largest tanks that you can afford to buy and fill, and that are allowable under your local fire code. If you heat with wood or coal, determine how many cords or pounds of coal you buy each winter and then triple that amount.
Build a sturdy gate to your driveway and get in the habit of keeping it closed and locked. It may sound far-fetched, but in the event or a "worst case" you may have to repel looters by force of arms. Buy plenty of ammo, zero your guns, and practice regularly. Hurricane Katrina showed how fragile our society is and how quickly law and order can break down in an emergency. Plan accordingly.
With the consent of your doctor and his prescription, you should stock up at least moderately on antibiotics such as penicillin and Ciprofloxacin ("cipro") to fight co-infections. But they should only be used if it is abundantly clear that a co-infection has set in. (Again, watch for pneumonia symptoms.)
There are a few drugs that have been clinically proven to be useful in lessening the symptoms of viral influenzas, and shortening the duration of illness. These include Relenza (Zanamivir), Tamiflu (Oseltamivir phosphate), and Sambucol. These drugs are used immediately after the onset of flu symptoms. Of the three, Sambucol--a non-perscription tincture of black elderberry-- is probably the best. I predict shortages of these drugs in coming months, so stock up while they are still readily available!
Be Prepared to Dispense CharityFrom a Safe Distance
I already mentioned that it is important to lay in extra food to dispense in charity. I cannot emphasize this enough. Helping your neighbors is Biblically sound and builds trustworthy friendships that you can count on. To avoid risk of infection, you need to be prepared to dispense charity from a safe distance--without physical contact. Think: planning, teamwork, and ballistic backup. While your family's food storage can be in bulk containers (typically 5 to 7 gallon food grade plastic pails), your charity storage food should mostly be in smaller containers. Or, at least buy some extra smaller containers that you can fill and distribute to refugees. Also be sure to lay in extra gardening seed to dispense as charity. Non-hybrid ("heirloom") varieties that breed true are available from several vendors including The Ark Institute. (See: By dispensing charity you will be helping to restore order and re-establish key infrastructures. The bottom line is that you'll be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
In closing, I highly recommend that you read Dr. Grattan Woodson's monograph "Preparing for the Coming Influenza Pandemic", available for free download at my blog site. Also see:
Postscript from Reader and Contributor "Dr. November":
I'm not a big believer in Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) or the other neuraminidase inhibitors. It's only demonstrated effect is to make the course of the flu slightly less long (on the order of 1-2 days less), but it has a critical requirement: IT MUST BE TAKEN within the first day or two of feeling ill. Most people (myself included) will just feel a little 'off' those first couple of days, or try to work through it. Tamiflu in this situation is pretty useless. Also, if someone is going to use it, they MUST have it on hand before they get sick: Getting the first symptoms, then deciding to call your physician and getting an appointment to get the prescription the week after next isn't going to help. Finally, it's pretty expensive (a standard 5 day adult dose is around $100 plus the physicians appointment). It's also going to be in short supply as people start trying to get it (similar to Cipro following the anthrax attacks and scares). BTW, Mom's old standby for respiratory infections (chicken soup) is as effective as oseltamivir. I doubt that it would be a good choice for an avian flu pandemic, though.
I was favorably impressed with a study done in Israel about the efficacy of Sambucol. At least, it's not expensive and won't hurt anything.
So, what should people do? In addition to the suggestions you've offered, I have a few more: If the pandemic strikes, and you can't avoid going out among people, wear disposable gloves (they don't have to be surgical or sterile). You don't know who last touched that ... whatever (door knob, elevator button, etc). Carry and use several pair, and learn how to take them off without touching the outsides (ask a medically trained individual to show you).
Keep your hands away from your mouth, nose and eyes! If your hands become contaminated, don't transfer the virus to mucous membranes. Wash your hands often (and also, BEFORE and AFTER using public restrooms, then don't touch the door knob on the way out - use an extra paper towel). Hand sanitizer gels are OK but plain soap and water is fine too. If nothing else is available, a 'dry wash' (vigorously rubbing your hands as though you were soaping them up) is surprisingly effective in removing the outer dead layer of skin cells that harbor virus particles or bacteria. It won't get rid of every single one (nothing will) but it's a matter of odds - the fewer, the better.
Teach everyone (especially the dear little germ transport mechanisms we call children) to cough into their elbow or armpit - NOT to cover their face with their hands (and then what?) or use a tissue (and then what?). And to wash their hands afterwards.
I can commend a medical blog that has an excellent article (and link to a free New England Journal of Medicine article) on avian flu: and - Dr. November
Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, and I don't give medical advice. Mention of any medical device, treatment, drug, or food supplement is for educational purposes only. Consult your doctor before undertaking any treatment or the use of any drug, food supplement, or medical device. is not responsible for the use or misuse of any product mentioned.
Copyright 2006, 2007. All Rights Reserved by James Wesley, Rawles -™ Permission to reprint, repost or forward this article in full is granted, but only if it is not edited or excerpted.
About the Author:
James Wesley, Rawles is a former U.S. Army Intelligence officer and a noted author and lecturer on survival and preparedness topics. He is the author of the novel "Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse" and is the editor of popular daily web journal for prepared individuals living in uncertain times.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Bean and Pasta Stew
Serving Size : 8
1 cup onion -- chopped
1/2 cup green pepper -- chopped
3 cloves garlic -- minced
nonfat cooking spray
16 oz stewed tomatoes -- (1 can, = 2 cups)
16 oz kidney beans, cooked -- undrained can, =2 cups)
6 oz whole wheat pasta -- shells, or other (3 cups cooked)
1 cup water
1/2 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
16 oz garbanzo beans, cooked -- undrained -- (1 can, = 2 cups)
pepper -- to taste
Sauté onion, green pepper, and garlic in kettle sprayed with nonfat cooking spray. Add tomatoes, kidney beans, pasta shells, water, and seasonings. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer until pasta is tender. Add garbanzo beans and pepper to taste. Heat thoroughly.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Pandemic Preparedness Flier
Pandemic Preparedness Flier

Page Two

Page 3
3 Step Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Plan
Most everyone wants to get prepared, but some aren't sure how to go about it. This plan will make it easy for them. And it will be very rewarding for you. It's the perfect way to help our neighbors prepare.
For more information on this plan, visit
You'll be amazed at just how simple it really is!
Call 1-801-225-6231 to order them. If you order through their website it might take a while to get the booklets since they don't seem to check their PO Box on a regular basis. You'll have much better luck calling them directly.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Why all the talk about a "three-day supply?"
April 17, 2006
Here's one of the best illustrations that (1) people aren't "Thinking It Through" and/or (2) various officials and experts are saying overly reassuring things about the risk of a flu pandemic.
Based on past experience, it's widely assumed that a flu pandemic would last perhaps 18-24 months (maybe more, maybe less). Within that period, there likely would be two or more waves of illness, each lasting perhaps six to eight weeks (maybe longer), according to the U.S. Pandemic Influenza Plan.
Given that scenario, officials or experts tell us there are several conclusions and planning recommendations:
- Federal governments will be limited in how much local help they can provide. A pandemic is too widespread, affecting too many people. There's no way federal agencies can be everywhere at once. Agreed.
- Therefore, much will depend upon individuals and localities making their own preparations and being self-sufficient. Agreed.
- To reduce your exposure to the flu, you should cut back on your public outings, especially to high-traffic places - like the grocery store. (This is called "social distancing.") Agreed.
- Also, there's always a chance that production and transportation of foodstuffs could be hampered if the companies involved are experiencing high employee absenteeism. (The official U.S. government pandemic plan assumes a 30% infection rate.) Agreed.
- But even if your grocery store is fully stocked, you still want to avoid going there for a few weeks. ("To reduce your exposure to the flu,....") Agreed.
- Therefore, your household should stockpile three days' worth of food and water as part of your pandemic preparations. Huh???
Let me get this straight. In all likelihood, a pandemic would last more than a year, coming in waves lasting several weeks each. I really need to be self-sufficient, plus avoid mixing in public as much as possible. And food deliveries might even be delayed. So I should stockpile three days' worth of food and water??? Yep, that's what they say:
"Families are advised to have at least a three-day supply of food, something residents of hurricane-prone areas already do." Charlotte Observer, 4-9-06, Are we ready for possible pandemic?The Denver, Colorado water utility is putting emergency kits at water treatment plants and key pumping stations. Along with many other items, "Each plastic tub holds enough food to feed one or two people for three days."
Rocky Mountain News, 4-17-06, Denver Water readies for flu pandemic"I think every person should have a little stockpile of food and water, a little bit like the air-raid shelters in the Cold War," said Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. "The No. 1 strategy in protecting yourself from avian flu is to minimize contact with others."
ABC News, 3-12-06, How Will Bird Flu Change Your Life
Look at that last quote again. It's at odds with itself. "The No. 1 strategy" is to "minimize contact with others." But the recommendation is to have a "little stockpile." Do we not realize that a "little stockpile" will only let you minimize contact for a little while?
Matching the supply to the need
You have to match the emergency supply to the type of need you're anticipating. That makes sense, doesn't it?
A flu pandemic is a very different kind of problem to plan for. We're not talking about a hurricane, winter storm, or moderate earthquake. Those deliver relatively localized blows, then move on. Afterward, governments and non-government organizations move in with assistance. The National Guard (U.S.) or similar military troops can help. Retailers arrange for special shipments of food, water, ice, and recovery supplies.
If you're anticipating a snowstorm, maybe an extra three-day supply of food and heating is adequate. For a hurricane/typhoon, maybe you stock enough extra food for a week or 10 days. But for a threat with the uniquely high impact of a flu pandemic, why not have enough supplies for two or three months? (The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends having a two-week supply of water and food. Even that sounds inadequate to me.)
And it's not just food and water. What about medicines, infant care items, etc.? You don't have to build a fortress or live hermit-like. But to the greatest extent reasonable, consider having a self-sufficient household for three months. If a pandemic begins and supplies aren't disrupted much, great. You can save your stockpile for the pandemic's second or third wave, which may be worse than the first wave. (T-h-i-n-k I-t T-h-r-o-u-g-h.) If the pandemic is mild or doesn't happen in the next few years, no harm is done. Use the stockpile. Or, if you're "rotating stock," as advised, just keep the stockpile perpetually.
False assurance
Let me tell you something else the idea of "three-day supply" does. It suggests the effects will only be felt for three days. That is false assurance. Or it suggests that someone will begin bringing you food and water after three days. That is false assurance. It subliminally understates the potential risk and, therefore, encourages people to under-prepare. That is bad, bad, bad.
Practical application
Let's get down to brass tacks. If you're the head of a household, think about the kids. What do you do for them on the fourth day of your "three-day supply of food and water?"
Get serious about planning and preparation. Browse this blog for ideas and action items.
Pandemic planning. Think It Through.Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Black Bean and Sweet Potato Enchiladas
1 T olive oil
1 large garlic clove, minced
1 small, fresh hot chile, seeded and minced
1 ½ cups cooked or one 15-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
One 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes, drained
1 T chili powder
Salt and pepper
2 cups Fresh Tomato Salsa
8 large flour tortillas
¼ cup finely chopped red onion
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Arrange the sweet potatoes in a single layer on a lightly oiled baking sheet and roast until tender, turning once, about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside.
Reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and chile and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add the beans, tomatoes, chili powder, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in the sweet potatoes and simmer for 5 minutes. Set aside.
Spread a thin layer of salsa over the bottom of a lightly oiled 9x13 baking dish and set aside.
Place a tortilla on a flat work surface. Spoon a portion of the sweet potato mixture down the center of the tortilla and roll it up. Place the filled tortilla in the baking dish seam side down and repeat with the remaining tortillas and filling mixture. Spoon and remaining filling mixture on top of the enchiladas, top with the remaining salsa, and sprinkle with the onion. Cover and bake until hot and bubbly, about 20 minutes. Serve hot. (Vegan Planet)
Friday, October 26, 2007
By Vicki Tate
Used by permission
(Courtesy of
A couple of months ago I met a very interesting gentleman via the telephone who is on the President's committee for dealing with disasters. He goes into areas around the country after earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. have struck. As we were talking, he said that the coverage you see on TV doesn't reflect many of the realities of the situation. One of the specific things he mentioned was water typically going sold for $5 a gallon during the aftermath. Any of us who've thought much about emergency preparedness realize that one of the most crucial items to store is water. The "how-to's" of water storage is one of the questions I'm asked most often.Fourteen gallons of water per person is the suggested amount to store for a 2 week emergency situation. One thing to note is that this amount is enough for subsidence purposes only, 2 qts. for drinking and 2 qts. for cleaning and bathing purposes a day. When you consider that a person normally uses in excess of 140 gallons of water per day for drinking, bathing, laundry, dishes, watering lawns, etc. this isn't a lot of water. If you have the room to store more you probably will want to do so.
The easiest way to store the bulk of your water is in 55 gallon, polyethylene (plastic) water drums. These can be obtained from most food storage companies or from local container companies found in the yellow pages. It is important that you use only food grade, good quality containers. Many times you can get food grade containers from companies that distribute beverages or syrups. If you clean them well, they can provide a good container that costs considerably less. One word of caution, however, often the taste or odor of the previous contents has leached into the plastic and over time may reintroduced to your water. If you plan to use previously used containers make sure that what it had in it before is something you wouldn't mind tasting or smelling in your water. Most water containers come in 5 gallon, 15 gallon or 55 gallon sizes. I always suggest that a family stores between two and six of these smaller containers along with their 55 gal. drums. This is a prudent suggestion in situations where you might need to transport water, in the normal course of events or in a situation where your normal water source might be disrupted, such as after an earthquake, hurricane, etc., and you might have to go to a secondary water source such as a water truck, stream, etc. to refill. Water weighs approximately 8 lbs. per gallon. Fifty- five gallon drums are much too heavy to handle (440 lbs.) and awkward. Smaller containers don't hold enough water and would require too many trips, especially if you have to go on foot. Five 15 gallon containers are more practical and can easily be put into a wheelbarrow or child's wagon and wheeled to and from an area.
Two-liter pop bottles make a good container for additional water storage and cost nothing if you save them and fill them with water as you empty them. To economize many people are tempted to use empty milk jugs, but don't plan to store water in these for more than 3-4 months. They are bio-degradable and will break down within 6 months. Not only may you loose your water, but if they are stored near food or other items, they may damage them. Heavy containers should always be stored close to ground level and secured to prevent breakage or possible injury in the event of earthquake, etc. Be sure to store your water away from any harmful chemicals or objectionable smelling products.
Culinary water (tap water) is what is usually stored for long term storage. If you have a clean, opaque container where the light cannot get through and your water is bacteria-free when you store it you probably don't need to treat it further. Under these conditions the water actually gets more pure as it is stored. However, for most of us there is no guarantee that our culinary water is bacteria-free and most of us prefer to treat our water in some way as a precaution as we store it. Several methods have traditionally been used to purify water for long term water storage:
Most of us have used one of these methods to treat our water over the years. Both are inexpensive and are effective methods of killing bacteria. I have always preferred the iodine method myself. The one drawback, however, is that both may have negative health effects if used for long periods of time. As noted above, you have to be careful with iodine and chlorine. For years they have been associated with many possible health problems. I was introduced to a product a couple of years ago that I now prefer to use instead because it is an excellent water purifier, but it also has many excellent medicinal properties. It is a stabilized oxygen called Ion that is very effective in killing all harmful bacteria without any of the harmful health affects associated with chlorine or iodine. In fact, it is very healthy. For long term storage add 20 drops of Ion per gallon of water. One bottle will purify two 55 gallon drums. It is also excellent for your emergency packs (72 hr kits). It is small and light weight (2.33 oz.) but extremely effective. It kills all harmful bacteria including giardia, cholera, dysentery, etc. within 2 1/2 minutes, but it also doubles medicinally, having many healing properties. For more information visit
- Two percent Tincture of Iodine -- To use this add 12 drops per gallon of water. Note: pregnant or nursing women or people with thyroid problems should not drink water with iodine.
- Chlorine Bleach -- Household bleach can also be used. This should contain a 5.25% solution of sodium hypochlorite without soap additives or phosphates. Use 1/8 teaspoon (about 5-8 drops) per gallon of water.
Studies show that if water is bacteria-free and is stored in clean containers it will stay safe for several years. It is a good idea, however, to periodically check your water for purity and taste. And every few years it's a good idea to change it. One of the things that affects the taste of water is it "going flat". This occurs because of the oxidation that takes place as it sits. You can improve the taste by pouring the water back and fourth between containers to aerate it or by beating it with a hand egg beater. You also may want to store some flavorings such as fruit drink powders, kool-aid, etc. to add to your water if you find the taste objectionable. One of the other benefits of Ion is the oxygen remains suspended maintaining its good taste for much longer periods of time.
Remember also that you have several sources of water already in your home that can be tapped in an emergency such as your hot water heater, toilet tanks (don't use water from a tank that contains colored disinfectant. It is poisonous.), water pipes, ice in the freezer, etc.
Water is relatively inexpensive to store and certainly not difficult to do - but certainly the time to store it is now. Water that we take so for granted when things are normal, in an emergency becomes absolutely critical. This is an item you can't afford to overlook in your preparedness preparations.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
When considering what types of sweeteners to add to your food storage there are several reasons why honey should be at the top of your list. Not only is honey healthy, but it also has great flavor and will store almost indefinitely.
Honey doesn’t undergo the processing that sugar does, therefore it contains more nutrients. Mineral content is higher in darker honey. Digestion of honey is also easier than digestion of refined sugars. Honey provides a boost to your immune system that refined sugars won’t. The boost comes from the antioxidants that are found naturally in honey. Other health benefits of using honey include fatigue prevention and increased energy, and enhanced physical performance.
Note: Do not feed honey to babies under 1 year of age--it may cause infant botulism.
Honey can be used whenever you have a recipe that calls for sugar. Since honey is more concentrated than sugar use approximately 3/4 cup honey for every cup of sugar called for in any recipe. You may substitute up to half of the sugar called for without needing to make any other adjustments to the recipe. If substituting more than half of the sugar with honey, reduce the amount of liquid called for by one-quarter. Using honey also gives a sweeter taste to the foods you are eating.
Storing honey is simple. It can be stored in almost any container from glass and plastic jars to larger 5 gallon food grade buckets. Around 75° F is the ideal storage temperature, but any crystallization that occurs at cooler temperatures can be reversed. Simply place your container of honey in a pan of warm water (approx. 130° F) or in a sunny spot in your home. This will liquefy your honey. Be sure not to boil the honey as this can ruin the taste. Rotating honey is simple when substituting it for sugar but it can still be stored for a lengthy amount of time.
Making honey a part of your food storage can provide all these benefits and more.
(Courtesy of Honey Uses
Antibacterial: Apply honey to cuts, scrapes or burns and cover with a clean bandage. Change dressings one to three times daily, as needed. Note: excessive heat or prolonged exposure to light can rob honey of its antibacterial properties. Always store in a dark, cool place.
Disinfectant: Take several tablespoons of honey daily for internal disinfection.
Nursing salve: Nursing mothers, try covering cracked, sore nipples with honey-soaked gauze to prevent infection.
Sore throats: Many opera singers add honey to a glass of warm milk and sip slowly. This helps soothe the throat.
Insomnia: Mix a half glass of warm water with 2 tablespoons of honey and the juice of a lemon and an orange. The darker the honey, the better this works.
Honey pick-me-up: Combine 2 tablespoons honey, 2 teaspoons pollen, a teaspoon of ginseng, and dried orange peel. Take with a spoon. Asian healers believe that this creates a feeling of total rejuvenation.
Diarrhea: In 8 ounces of water, mix 4 large tablespoons of honey. This works well for bacterial diarrhea. Those with diabetes should be cautious about taking so much honey at one time.
Dieting: Honey's double action (providing instant energy boost, while maintaining sugar levels for along time) satisfies the hunger for sweets and may keep you feeling fuller longer. For some dieters, this may be good news.
(Courtesy of
Alternative Cooking Options
It is wise to have several alternative cooking options in order to be prepared for various circumstances. Some options are so simple that you probably don't even realize you have them. Here are a few alternative cooking ideas:
charcoal grill (a folding grill is nice for travel)
fondue pot/chafing dish
votive candles (yes, you can cook with them)
sterno cooking stove
butane/propane/Coleman fuel/gasoline camp stove
kerosene heater
dutch oven (you can cook over coals or in the ground)
solar oven
hobo stove
aluminum foil (to make a solar oven or cook in coals, etc.)
Snap-On-Stove® (Uses a product called ALCO-BRITE® gelled ethanol fuel)
Folding Personal Stove Trioxan Lightweight Pocket Sized Stove
heat canned foods in the can, after removing the label
If the Electricity Goes Off:
FIRST, use perishable food and foods from the refrigerator.
THEN, use the foods from the freezer. To minimize the number of times you open the freezer door, post a list of freezer contents on it. In a well-filled, well-insulated freezer, foods will usually still have ice crystals in their centers (meaning foods are safe to eat) for at least three days.
FINALLY, begin to use non-perishable foods and staples.
Hobo Stove: This is reportedly a very efficient and inexpensive option. Puncture three holes in the bottom edge of a one-gallon paint can, then turn the can over and puncture three identical holes in the top edge. Make one of the holes in the bottom large enough so you can stick a match through and light the fuel. Air will be drawn in through the bottom holes and exhausted through the top. If you want to keep your pans from getting full of soot, cook with the can lid on. You can burn sticks, Canned Heat, or trash. Operate outside only.
Preparing Food During a Power Failure:
During a power failure, cooking and eating habits must change to fit the situation. You may have no heat, no refrigeration and limited water. In addition, health risks from contaminated or spoiled food may increase.
Conserve Fuel:
Consider the amount of cooking time needed for particular foods. If you have limited heat for cooking, choose foods which cook quickly. Prepare one-dish meals or serve no-cook foods. Commercially-canned foods can be eaten straight from the can. Do not use home-canned vegetables unless you have the means to boil them for 20 minutes before eating.
- From "Preparing Food During a Power Failure" University of Illinois Extension Disaster Resources
Gamma Seal Lids
(copy and paste link)
This site has good information. It may or may not have the best price for the lids. Shop around!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Food Ideas for Three Month Supply
Some ideas include:
Canned soup
Canned meat
Canned tomatoes
Instant potatoes
Instant rice and other grains
Canned fruits and vegetables
Instant hot cereal
Olive oil
Canned beans
Instant baking mix
Peanut butter
Spaghetti sauce
Don't forget water storage.....
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tortilla Recipe
2 t baking powder
2 T extra light olive oil
1 ½ t salt
3 T honey
1½ cups warm water
Enchilada Sauce
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
2 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
- Heat oil in large 2-quart saucepan; stir in flour and chili powder; cook for 1 minute.
- Add remaining ingredients bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes.
Makes 3 cups sauce.
Storing Documents
Preserving and
Proving Your Identity and Worth in an Emergency
The Importance of Storing Documents in your 72 Hour Supplies
There are four areas of documents that you should consider when planning your 72 hour supplies. Those are a record of material possessions in the home, identification, cash and irreplaceable family mementos. Following a brief explanation of each of these subjects is a complete list of documents you should consider storing in your 72 hour kit.
Taking an Inventory of Your Home
In the event of a natural disaster or fire, you may find your home and everything in it badly damaged or destroyed. This is traumatic enough for any family, but if they don't have a photographic record of their possessions, they may find a battle for reimbursement with the insurance company even more horrific.
Barry and Lynette Crockett, co-authors of 72-Hour Family Emergency Preparedness Checklist, Family Emergency Plan, and A Year's Supply urge families use one of the following methods to keep track of items in the home:
- Make a list of every item in your home and try to include serial or identification numbers, when and where purchased, the receipt and its estimated value.
- Use a tape recorder and make an audio list
- Supplement a written list with photographs of furnishings and other valuables in their normal setting in the home
- Videotape a tour of your home and garage
After you have taken inventory, store one copy with your 72 hour supplies and then give a back-up copy with a relative or family friend (preferably in another town). Or, you could store the back-up copy in a safe deposit box; just make sure you keep a copy of the key in your 72 hour kit.
It's important that you make your inventory list as complete and well documented as possible. This will ensure a fast and fair settlement with the insurance company.
In an emergency situation, being able to prove who you are is critical for receiving help, both from government agencies and insurance companies. Some of the documents you should have copies of in your 72 hour kit include:
- Social Security cards and/or numbers for each of your family members
- Drivers license
- Passport
- Birth certificates
Again, it would be wise to have these in water-tight bags or containers and to also have another copy in a safe deposit box or in another town.
After a natural disaster such as an earthquake, hurricane or flood, many of the convenient ways we spend and get money no longer exist. Automatic teller machines, credit card networks, even the banks themselves are often inoperable. It is then that towns become "cash only" societies for goods your family may desperately need.
Having enough cash on hand to get you through the first 72 hours following a disaster will bring peace of mind to you and your family. Here are a few suggestions of storing money:
- $100 - $200 in cash, small bills
- Rolls of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies
- Checking, savings and credit card numbers
Irreplaceable Family Mementos
Some of the worst things a family can lose in a disaster are those that can't be replaced: photo albums, family histories, journals, the list could go on. Chances are not everything that your family cherishes will fit into your 72 hour kit to be taken with you at a moments notice. There are some alternatives, however, that will bring you peace of mind in an emergency.
- Make copies of photographs, pedigrees and personal histories and store them with a trusted relative or friend in another town
- Store them in single location--in a closet or on a bookshelf near an exit, so if needed, they could be taken out with your 72 hour supplies
- Store family mementos in a safe deposit box
A Complete List of Vital Documents as advised by Barry and Lynette Crockett in their book,
Family Emergency Plan
Household and place of business inventory (recorded using photographs, videotape, or stored on a database manager computer program).
- Important information and records stored on computer back-up software
- Duplicates of insurance policies (life, health, auto, home, hazard, etc.)
- Mortgage documents
- Real estate deeds, investments
- Property settlement agreements
- Title papers
- Motor vehicle titles and bill of sale, serial or VIN numbers, driver's license numbers, registration, and plate numbers (including boats, RVs, etc.)
- Wills and trusts
- Safe deposit box: location, number, inventory of contents, location of key, authorized persons to access box
- Investment portfolio
- Record of hard assets (precious metals, gems, collectibles, etc.) jewelry appraisals
- Net worth statement
- Stocks, bonds and other securities
- Accounts receivable information
- Purchase contracts
- Other contracts
- Bank loan agreements, other obligations
- Bank, checking, savings account numbers or certificates
- Credit card accounts (company and account numbers
- Permanent tax records
- Important guarantees, warranties and sales receipts
- Voter registration
- Family health and medical records
- Employee benefits information
- Letter of instruction in case of death
- Funeral and burial plans (pre-arranged)
- Name, address, phone number of attorney, accountant, executor, trustees, stockbroker and insurance agents
- Photocopy of documents carried in wallet or purse
- Location of spare house and car keys
- Birth, marriage, and death certificates
- Divorce and separation decrees
- Adoption and custody decrees
- Citizenship papers
- Military papers
- Passports, visas
- Social security card (or card numbers)
- School transcripts, diplomas
- Patents, copyrights
- Original manuscripts
- Employment records
- Membership cards or records
- Important church records
- Cherished family recipes
- Cherished family Photos, slides, videotapes, etc.
- Important books
- Journals, diaries, scrapbooks, etc.
- Person and family histories,
- Genealogies
- (Courtesy of
Emergency Preparedness at Work and School
I am preparing an emergency backpack for my husband to take to work and thought I would post this useful information. If you work, find out what your company's evacuation plan is. Also find out how they will handle things during a pandemic. Will you be allowed to work from home? Don't forget to contact your school district to find out about their emergency plan.
Natural disasters and emergencies may not normally occur while you are at home where your emergency supplies and food storage are kept. Because of this, it is important to have an emergency plan for the various places your family spends time. Our homes, schools and workplaces should have site-specific preparations for an emergency.
Think about what you have at your office that will help you get through an emergency. Maybe you have a candy bar or a package of stale donuts in your desk drawer or maybe just an old pack of chewing gum. At least that's a start! Do you even know if your company has an evacuation plan or how to use that plan? The following are some simple ideas to help you feel safe at work, even during an emergency.
Keep a backpack or duffle bag of your own personal supplies in a desk drawer. This pack could include the following:
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Emergency bag or blanket (very compact and made of a special material that reflects up to 90% of your body heat)
- Food (high calorie food bars, MREs, granola bars, fruit bars, candy bars, crackers, fruit leather, raisins, nuts, prepackaged foods, etc.)
- Water pouches or juice boxes
- Pair of walking shoes
- Multi function knife
- Mini first aid kit (adhesive bandages, rolled bandages for sprains, pain reliever, any medication you need, gauze, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic first aid cream, etc.)
In addition to packing a small survival kit, here are some other important things you can do:
- Read your company's evacuation plan. If your company doesn't have one, volunteer to prepare one. Make sure there is a good designated meeting location and every employee knows where to go.
- Make sure you are aware of the exit routes in your building.
- Know where the fire extinguishers and first aid kits are located.
- Note the locations of stairways as you walk from room to room.
- Carry a card in your wallet or purse that has important phone numbers including the number of your out-of-state phone contact.
- Keep the area under your desk free of trash cans and clutter. This area is the best place to secure yourself in the event of an earthquake.
- Don't count on being able to get back to your desk for personal supplies if you are away when an emergency occurs. Store additional supplies in your car, such as an emergency car kit.
- Be sure you discuss a meeting plan with your family so they know where to go and when to expect you.
Schools should already have an emergency plan to make sure your children are safe, but do you know enough about it to explain it to your children? The following are ideas to help you and your children feel safe away from home during an emergency.
Contact your school district to find out about their emergency plan and the policy on how children will be released from school. Some schools already have an emergency classroom kit. Find out where it is located. Also, help your child prepare a small disaster kit for them to keep in their locker or desk. This kit could include the following:
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Emergency bag or blanket (very compact and made of a special material that reflects up to 90% of your body heat)
- Food (high calorie food bars, MREs, granola bars, fruit bars, crackers, candy bars, fruit leather, raisins, nuts, prepackaged foods, etc.)
- Water pouches or juice boxes
- Comic book for stress or boredom relief
- Mini first aid kit (adhesive bandages, rolled bandages for sprains, pain reliever, any medication you need, gauze, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic first aid cream, etc.)Make sure your child knows how to use these first aid items properly.
Help your child understand when they are allowed to use their disaster kit and exactly how to use it. You should also include an identification card with their name, address, telephone number, emergency telephone numbers, birth date, and a reminder note to stay calm.
Make a family fun night out of getting everyone prepared. Here are some ideas to help your family feel prepared wherever they are:
- Discuss your family emergency evacuation plan from your home in case of fire or other disaster, and a specific location to meet.
- Help your children memorize important phone numbers.
- Teach them the location of the nearest police and fire stations and their phone numbers.
- Know the route to the nearest hospital emergency room.
- Meet with your neighbors and find out who has medical experience and have a training night.
- Give spare keys to your trusted neighbors.
- Show your children where the utility shutoffs are and how to shut them off.
- Keep your car's gas tank at least half full.
- Familiarize your children with emergency preparedness products by going through your home emergency kit.
It is important to think ahead and communicate with others in advance. By following these guidelines you will be better prepared to safely reunite with loved ones during an emergency.
(Courtesy of
30 Day Menu
If you are in need of more food storage friendly recipes, check out the ones posted here on the blog. Many wards/neighborhoods have Food Storage Recipe Clubs where they meet to sample food storage friendly dishes and swap recipes. Don't have one in your area? Start one!
Water Purification
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
"The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory" by Bruce R. McConkie
Bruce R. McConkie, “The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory,” Ensign, May 1980, 71
We stand today on a mountain peak, on a majestic, glorious peak in the midst of the mountains of
Below us lie the deserts of sin and the forests of evil; below us stretch the swamps of carnality and the plains of passion; below us rage the roaring rivers of war and hate and crime, through all of which we have struggled to reach this summit.
Above us, stretching crest on crest, are yet greater and grander peaks. Each one is rimmed with rivers and forests and cliffs and crags. There are deep canyons and steep precipices.
Along the way we shall yet climb, hidden in the underbrush, is the lair of the lion and the hole of the asp. Venomous serpents are coiled on ledges beside the path and jackals lurk in dark caves by the wayside.
Our onward course will not be easy. The way ahead will be blocked by a landslide of lasciviousness; an avalanche of evil will bury the trail.
As we trudge forward, sharp rocks will cut our feet; rivers of lava will melt the soles of our sandals; and we shall be hungry and thirsty and faint. The way ahead will be hard and the path rugged.
But far in the distance—its heights hidden in the clouds, the divine Shechinah resting upon its summit—far in the distance stands
Through the morning mists we see Mount Zion, whereon is built “the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,” where there is assembled “an innumerable company of angels,” on whose height is congregated “the general assembly and church of the firstborn” (Heb. 12:22–23).
From where we stand, on the peak of 150 years of progress, the view is glorious indeed.
Looking back with pride, we see the spring of 1820 when the Gods of heaven, the supreme rulers of the universe, rent the heavens, appeared to Joseph Smith, and ushered in the dispensation of the fulness of times (see D&C 112:30).
We see
We see other angelic ministrants come, bringing keys and powers and authorities until all of the keys of the
We see the little stone cut from the mountain without hands beginning to roll forth toward that coming day when it shall smite the Babylonian image, break in pieces the kingdoms of men, and fill the whole earth (see Dan. 2:34–35).
We see the elders of the kingdom going forth to many nations, crying repentance, gathering Israel, and assembling the faithful in the tops of the mountains where stands the house of the Lord (see 2 Ne. 12:2).
We see converts and stakes and temples. Gifts and signs and miracles abound. The sick are healed and the dead are raised by the power of God, and the work of the Lord goes forward.
But amid it all there is sorrow and toil and testing. The Saints are tried to the full to see if they will abide in the Lord’s covenant even unto death (see D&C 98:14).
Our gaze falls upon
We see Nauvoo in flames and the holy
We see snow and cold and death and graves, as a weary people follow a new leader to their promised land.
We see a people cursed and smitten and driven as they lay their all on the altar, and we hear them sing with their might, “All is well, all is well” (Hymns, no. 13).
We see prophet follow prophet as the faithful seek to prepare a people for the Second Coming of him whose witnesses they are.
But our joy and rejoicing is not in what lies below, not in our past—great and glorious as that is—but in our present and in our future.
Nor are the days of our greatest sorrows and our deepest sufferings all behind us. They too lie ahead. We shall yet face greater perils, we shall yet be tested with more severe trials, and we shall yet weep more tears of sorrow than we have ever known before.
We honor our forebears and reverence our prophets. We rejoice in the goodness of God to them and thank him and them for the heritage that is ours.
As we ponder these things and count our blessings, we seem to hear a voice acclaim, “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground” (Ex. 3:5).
But we know that our work is in the living present and our glorious destiny lies ahead.
From the top of the peak where the soles of our feet now tread, we can look forward, crest upon crest, to the Zion of God which one day will be ours if we walk in the course charted by those who have gone before. We cannot see the whole course; many things are hidden from our view. Mountain trails wind through valleys and over crests, around ledges, and through forests. We do not know the length of the journey nor the perils that await us.
But what we can see causes us to rejoice and to tremble. We tremble because of the sorrows and wars and plagues that shall cover the earth. We weep for those in the true Church who are weak and wayward and worldly and who fall by the wayside as the caravan of the kingdom rolls forward.
We rejoice because of the glory and honor that awaits those who come forth out of all this tribulation with clean hands and pure hearts (see Ps. 24:4).
Looking ahead, we see the gospel preached in all nations and to every people with success attending.
We see the Lord break down the barriers so that the world of Islam and the world of Communism can hear the message of the restoration; and we glory in the fact that Ishmael—as well as Isaac—and Esau—as well as Jacob—shall have an inheritance in the eternal kingdom.
We see congregations of the covenant people worshipping the Lord in
We see stakes of
We see temples in great numbers dotting the earth, so that those of every nation and kindred and tongue and people can receive the fulness of the ordinances of the house of the Lord and can qualify to live and reign as kings and priests on earth a thousand years.
We see the seed of Cain—long denied that priestly power which makes men rulers over many kingdoms—rise up and bless Abraham as their father.
We see the Saints of God, who are scattered upon all the face of the earth, rise in power and glory and stand as lights and guides to the people of their own nations.
We see our children and our children’s children stand firm in defense of truth and virtue, crowned with the power of God, carrying off the kingdom triumphantly.
We see the faithful Saints perfecting their lives and preparing for the coming of him whose children they are, preparing for the glorious mansion he has promised them in the kingdom of his Father.
But the vision of the future is not all sweetness and light and peace. All that is yet to be shall go forward in the midst of greater evils and perils and desolations than have been known on earth at any time.
As the Saints prepare to meet their God, so those who are carnal and sensual and devilish prepare to face their doom.
As the meek among men make their calling and election sure, so those who worship the God of this world sink ever lower and lower into the depths of depravity and despair.
Amid tears of sorrow—our hearts heavy with forebodings—we see evil and crime and carnality covering the earth. Liars and thieves and adulterers and homosexuals and murderers scarcely seek to hide their abominations from our view. Iniquity abounds. There is no peace on earth.
We see evil forces everywhere uniting to destroy the family, to ridicule morality and decency, to glorify all that is lewd and base. We see wars and plagues and pestilence. Nations rise and fall. Blood and carnage and death are everywhere. Gadianton robbers fill the judgment seats in many nations. An evil power seeks to overthrow the freedom of all nations and countries. Satan reigns in the hearts of men; it is the great day of his power.
But amid it all, the work of the Lord rolls on. The gospel is preached and the witness is born. The elect of God forsake the traditions of their fathers and the ways of the world. The kingdom grows and prospers, for the Lord is with his people.
Amid it all, there are revelations and visions and prophecies. There are gifts and signs and miracles. There is a rich outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God.
Amid it all believing souls are born again, their souls are sanctified by the power of the Spirit, and they prepare themselves to dwell with God and Christ and holy beings in the eternal kingdom.
Is it any wonder that we both rejoice and tremble at what lies ahead?
Truly the world is and will be in commotion, but the Zion of God will be unmoved. The wicked and ungodly shall be swept from the Church, and the little stone will continue to grow until it fills the whole earth.
The way ahead is dark and dreary and dreadful. There will yet be martyrs; the doors in
If we, as a people, keep the commandments of God; if we take the side of the Church on all issues, both religious and political; if we take the Holy Spirit for our guide; if we give heed to the words of the apostles and prophets who minister among us—then, from an eternal standpoint, all things will work together for our good.
Our view of the future shall be undimmed, and, whether in life or in death, we shall see our blessed Lord return to reign on earth. We shall see the New Jerusalem coming down from God in heaven to join with the
And so, as we view the endless course ahead, the glory and wonder on each succeeding peak seems to swallow up the shadows and sorrows in the valleys below.
With our souls attuned to the infinite, we seem to hear a heavenly choir whose celestial strains resound through the mountains of
Glory and honor unto the Lord our God. Let heaven and earth acclaim his name, for he hath wrought wondrous works in all the earth.
Sing unto him, for he sendeth his holy angel and restoreth his pure word. He calleth truth from the earth and raineth righteousness from heaven.
Blessed be his great and holy name. He restoreth the kingdom to
All glory to the Lord our King, for he cometh to reign gloriously among his Saints. He cometh with fire, and the wicked are as stubble. He cometh with loving kindness, and his redeemed inherit the earth.
Glory and honor unto the Lord our God.
Sing unto him for his wondrous works.
Blessed be his great and holy name.
All glory to the Lord our King.
And as these psalmic words echo and reecho in our hearts, we hear other things that it is not lawful for us to utter; and there comes into our hearts that sure witness that he who called his ancient covenant people, he who guides and preserves us at this hour, even he will be with us and ours everlastingly.
Our souls are at rest.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.